Carol's "Go-to" Deviled Eggs


12 large hard-boiled eggs
¾ C mayonnaise
2 T sour cream
1 T white vinegar
1 t dry mustard
1 1/2  t Worcestershire
Dash of pepper and pinch of salt


Shell eggs with your NEGG® and cut in half lengthwise. Take out yolks being careful not to break the whites. Press yolks through a sieve or place in a food processor and pulse until it resembles a fine powder. Do that before adding the remaining ingredients. Mix with fork until smooth and fluffy.


Lightly mound yolk mixture in egg white halves. Garnish with parsley sprig, paprika or caviar. To kick them up, you can add your favorite ingredient – shrimp, pickles, smoked salmon, black olives, bacon – the list is endless!